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We are committed to providing you with the highest quality business consultation and training services

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We operate in CET and respond to your request within 12 hours!

Frequently asked questions

Primary Markets

Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Secondary Markets: 40% discount on list price

All countries not listed as primary or tertiary

Tertiary Markets: 70% discount on list price

India and African nations

Yes, We offer consultancy services tailored to your specific needs. Please contact us with details of your requirements, and we will promptly provide information regarding our availability. Our engagements typically range from 3-12 months, with pricing determined by the required competences and the complexity of the assignment.

Yes, A 50% discount applies to the second through fifth participant. Participants five through ten will receive a 70% discount. 

Example: For a training session priced at 1000EUR, the cost for yo and three colleagues would be calculated as follows: 1000EUR(base price) + 3 x 500EUR(discounted price) = 2500EUR total cost 

For onsite and bespoke(tailor made) trainings please contact us to discuss customised discount options.

Our organisation provides on-site training programs throughout Scandinavia and Benelux. The final cost is determined by the training location; utilising your facilities will result in a lower overall price. Due to our established presence in Denmark, we can offer the most-cost effective solutions for on-site trainings there.